Check out the “insändare” article by Thierry Mortier on KVADRENNALEN in Dagens Nyheter here!
ARTicle, Supermarket Art Fair Magazine #12
Check out the great interview with Thierry Mortier by Alice Máselníková for Issue #12 of Supermarket Art Fair Magazine, 2022
Grebnellaw final at Candyland
Sunday 6 FEB from 5pm. Candyland Stockholm
Please note that it will be difficult for everyone to see everything. GREBNELLAW is an accumulative body: presented as live performance, music and installation works. In an unfolding ‘mise-en-scene’, the artists use the bodies of their imaginary population to simulate the euphoria of genesis. After cycles of chemical soups and BIG big bangs, the subatomic Grebnellaw dances on the knife’s edge to the sound of decarbonisation and dying fossil fuels.
Welcome to a non-specific exhibition, a reconstruction of the space, a further investigation into some new variants of Grebnellaw, as they evade immunity and present themselves at Candyland. The Grebnellaw is out to make an exhibition, and will bring portraits of their relatives and ancestors, perform some Pop bangers, as well as display some other things they’ve been working on lately.

KVADRENNALEN is all about decentralised ownership. Setting up one big, centralised opening in e.g. Stockholm, in an art space that is specific for e.g. one discipline just doesn’t make sense.
Instead, the KVADRENNALEN opening: will be multiple openings on the same day – January 11th, the first day that the Swedish Parliament starts working again after the New Year’s break – organised by multiple KVADRENNALEN organisers across the disciplines, across the levels, across the country.
Be sure to look out for the invitations coming your way!
Or check them out in the Calendar.
A short piece about KVADRENNALEN will air tonight on Kulturnyheterna at 18:15 on SVT1 and SVT Play.
The longer piece from the article (click to go to SVT) will air tomorrow morning on SVT Morgonstudion.
Check it out and spread the news!
Talk @ Supermarket Art Fair
Missed the #KVADRENNALEN talk yesterday at #Supermarketartfair21? No problem, check out the KVADRENNALEN youtube channel. In 30 minutes you’ll hear the entire vision, set-up and idea behind KVADRENNALEN.
Feel free to share with everyone you know that believes free artistic expression is essential for society!
KVADRENNALEN needs every artist, curator, art space director, art worker, art enthusiast – across all the disciplines! – to change the existing perception that the art community is divided – we are not! we have always been united in our belief in art! – and stand up for this shared belief in the essential place of the free arts in society.
Is KVADRENNALEN art or politics? It’s art! And, what’s more, it’s 100% non-partisan – or ‘politiskt obunden’ in Swedish.
KVADRENNALEN is an idea. An idea to come together as an art community to show society at large that the art community is already UNITED in their belief in ART.
The idea came from a Belgian/Swedish visual artist called Thierry Mortier, but that’s not important, what IS important is that ALL the names in the Swedish art world are represented, across all the disciplines.
Which is also the answer to ‘who is behind KVADRENNALEN’: you are! All the artists, art workers, art curators, art spaces, art institutions, … that are making KVADRENNALEN a reality.
No, KVADRENNALEN is not an organisation. It is not commercial, it is not non-profit, it is not public, it is not private. It is the art community coming together and showing that we are united in ART! We don’t need an organisation for that, we need a movement, a willingness to show the world that we, the art community, stand together when what we believe in, ART, is under threat!
NO. KVADRENNALEN is set up to change two misconceptions that exist in society: 1) art is not essential and 2) the art world is divided. KVADRENNALEN’s aim is to change those two misconceptions and show that the art world is united in their belief in ART and to show that art is essential.
It is NOT the aim of KVADRENNALEN to change the outcome of an election, that would be a political campaign: KVADRENNALEN is an ART CELEBRATION.
KVADRENNALEN has no direct or indirect link with party politics.
The short answer: whatever you can imagine! You can make ART, show ART, volunteer to help out, spread the word! You don’t need anybody to tell you what you can do, you know that best, KVADRENNALEN is about DECENTRALISED OWNERSHIP: you decide what KVADRENNALEN is going to be. It’s your responsibility, which means it will also be your success if KVADRENNALEN reaches its goal.
Check out the JOIN page: it lists a couple of ideas depending if you’re an artist, art worker, curator, art space, art institution.