Artists, regardless of discipline [visual, sound, stage, word, …], gender, age, or any other natural or nurtured categorisations. We really need your art! It’s the only true voice of KVADRENNALEN. - Figure out where your individual art practice finds connection with standing up for the free arts. - If you have shows planned : do they connect with KVADRENNALEN? Bring them into the KVADRENNALEN program. Talk to the organisers and discuss how to connect their organisation with KVADRENNALEN. - Be an ambassador for KVADRENNALEN : we want to show a united art scene in an attempt to speak up for the free arts with art and we need all our colleagues to join us. This is not a competition : it's the biggest group show possible. - Take ownership of KVADRENNALEN, it doesn't belong to the one, it belongs to all of us. The political threats are not being addressed to individuals, they are addressed to the artistic freedom of expression of each and everyone of us. Speak up, Sweden needs your art more than ever in 2022! Take a look at the open call or reach out through forenade@kvadrennalen.se
We need your enthusiasm to strengthen KVADRENNALEN. We need your support to give KVADRENNALEN the opportunity to return on the investment of art in society. We welcome all the support we can get for KVADRENNALEN. Get in touch through forenade@kvadrennalen.se
We need you and welcome any proposals to collaborate, to use your facilities, integrate your institution’s program as part of KVADRENNALEN, to have you curate shows, to get your work on board. - Delve into your program for 2022 and find the connection with KVADRENNALEN : we want to show a united scene across the disciplines, which we can only do if we get programming across the country during 9 months under a united banner. - Are you planning something similar, something related, something connected : let's join forces and stand stronger together. - Are you part of a group that already unites art organisations : be an ambassador and spread the word to engage the other members of your group. - Is your program already set without connection to KVADRENNALEN : figure out what extra programs you can manage. This one is not only important but also time sensitive... and the time is now upon us. Reach out through forenade@kvadrennalen.se or take a look at the open call.
We need your ear. KVADRENNALEN is speaking up during the most difficult time to be heard. And, we are speaking to you. Unfortunately, you are being bombarded by all the different colours seeking your undivided attention, and, at KVADRENNALEN we have no colour. Our agenda is your agenda. Plain and simple, and in the open. A careless strategy in the society of the spectacle where hidden agendas and secret directions rule. We know, but art cannot hide, it shows and asks to reveal what is hidden. We welcome your openness to listen to art itself… and discard the spectacular rhetorics about art by non-participants. We welcome your dialogue at KVADRENNALEN. Reach out through forenade@kvadrennalen.se
“What artistic activist aims have in common is a faith that awareness can change the world without any specific follow-through.”
Stephen Duncombe and Steve Lambert, founders of C4AA